When I gaze into my crystal ball and admire my future self, there are many things that I look for. Where will I be? What will I look like? What will I be doing? Will I be married? Have kids? While many of these things are extremely difficult for me to see, the one and only thing that appears clear as day, is what I will be doing. Since the age of 15 I thought time and time again…When I grow up I want to be a sport psychologist. There has never been a doubt in my mind. My parents were unsure of what I meant when I told them, and my friends didn’t understand why I would want to do that. But it was the driving force that never left me. I read countless books on sport psychology, spoke to various people, sought out internships with sport psychology consultants, and finally furthered my education in sport and performance psychology. My life has presented me with a roadmap to my sport psychology future. While I assumed that one could not be driven for extended periods of time, my passion has not subsided. If anything, it has grown stronger knowing what lies ahead.

The idea of creating a private practice seems more and more appealing as the days go on. Upon completion of my business plan, reality started to set in. In front of me laid the blueprint to my future. It was no longer this idea floating around in my mind; it had become a concrete entity that I could call my own. The practice was detailed and planned out, and it had the potential to be something amazing. From the age of 15 imagining a dream, eight years later my dream has taken a turn towards something else. A glimpse of reality is beginning to show through. The statement is no longer “when I grow up I want to be sport psychologist” but “I am going to be a sport psychologist, and this is how I am going to do it.” My dream has become my reality, not by chance, but because of my determination, and the help of others along the way. Create a business plan….create your future.